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A Los Angeles Catastrophic Injury Attorney Explains Paralysis Claims

If you become partially or fully paralyzed in an accident that occurred due to another’s fault, then you may have a right of action for damages under California law. Paralysis injuries are among the most severe and life-altering that a victim can experience. In many such cases, the plaintiff may not have any reasonable options for recovery and may instead have to simply adjust to their new limitations. So ,this can impose a significant burden on a plaintiff from a career, social and personal perspective. Quite simply, life will never be the same.

Given the degree of loss associated with serious paralysis injuries, also the damages involved are likely to be substantial. Here at Prestige Law Firm, our attorneys have the tools and experience necessary to secure the maximum available compensation. So, contact a Los Angeles catastrophic injury attorney at our firm to learn more about how we can help.

Significant Losses Associated With Paralysis

Paralysis can lead to a variety of losses, including, but not limited to:

  • Extensive medical expenses (surgery, treatment, and rehabilitation)
  • Wage loss due to inability to perform the job
  • Loss of earning capacity due to long-term impairments
  • Emotional distress
  • Physical pain and suffering associated with the trauma
  • Loss of enjoyment of life (i.e., inability to engage in favorite recreational activities, harm to one’s social life, etc.)

About my thinking in asserting damages for paralysis, there may be difficulties in proving that your impairment is sufficiently severe to justify the claimed losses. For example, if you are claiming that you can no longer work (and are therefore entitled to wage loss compensation until retirement age). So, you may have to show that you cannot reasonably retrain and pivot to a desk job or some other alternative career.  And you can strengthen your argument by introducing the supportive testimony of expert witnesses in the vocational field, as well as the testimony of expert medical witnesses.

Common Causes of Paralysis

Paralysis (partial or full) may be caused by:

  • Certain illnesses and disorders
  • Surgical errors
  • Medication errors
  • Serious, untreated infections
  • Blunt trauma, as in a car collision
  • Cutting injuries that affect one’s neuromuscular system

Consult a Los Angeles Catastrophic Injury Attorney at Prestige Law Firm

At Prestige Law Firm, our attorneys boast decades of experience advocating on behalf of plaintiffs in a variety of personal injury disputes and including those centered around a paralysis injury. The impairments caused by paralysis can create real anxiety in the victim and their family, and for good reason. And without sufficient damages, you may not be able to pay medical expenses, cover bills, and take care of yourself and your family as you begin to reintegrate yourself into society with your new limitations.

We’re here to help evaluate your claims and identify options for recovering the compensation you deserve. Our team works closely with clients to develop a winning strategy and guide them through the challenges of litigation. It’s important to us that you make the best possible recovery: physically, mentally, and financially.

Call us at 661-341-3939  or fill out our online case evaluation form to request a free and confidential consultation with an experienced Los Angeles catastrophic injury attorney at our firm today.