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Body Shops/Property Damage

Choose a Knowledgeable Los Angeles Personal Injury Lawyer

In motor vehicle accident scenarios, plaintiffs do not always realize that there are multiple defendants who can be held responsible for body shops property damages.  Whether those damages are extensive or limits to just property damage. Body shop negligence can give rise to actionable claims. But success will require keen legal counsel that can guide you through the process of recovery. Contact a Los Angeles personal injury lawyer today to discuss the particulars of your case.

Body Shops Property Damage Claims

Body shops have auto repair shop liability coverage, so if your vehicle damage while in the possession of the body shop. You may be able to submit an insurance claim to recover your losses. In many cases, however, the body shop may attempt to disclaim liability through the use of a hold harmless clause in their contract. The hold harmless clause is not always enforceable, however. If you can show that the clause was vague and not sufficiently specific, the court may choose not to enforce it. And may give you an avenue for bringing a claim for property damage against the body shop (and their insurer).

Hold harmless agreements also do not apply if the body shop engaged in gross negligence or intentional misconduct. For example, if the body shop intentionally used cheap, off-brand parts on your vehicle (despite making promises that they were using branded part designs for your vehicle). And that fraudulent act later causes property damage to your vehicle, the hold harmless agreement will not prevent action against the body shop.

Body Shops Property Damage Can Be Held Liable In Personal Injury Claims

Importantly, if you involve in an accident wherein the cause of the accident (at least in part) was negligent maintenance, repairs, and/or modifications by a body shop. You may have an actionable claim against the body shop for personal injury damages that not only include property damage. But also include your medical expenses, wage loss, pain and suffering, and more.

When an owner gives their vehicle to a body shop. They rely on the body shop to perform their task in accordance with the professional standard of care. If the body shop fails to act in accordance with the applicable standard of care or fails to notify the owner of any known defects. They could be held liable for all resulting harm caused by this negligent failure.

Contact a Los Angeles Personal Injury Lawyer for Immediate Assistance

At Prestige Law Personal Injury & Car Accident Lawyers, our attorneys have extensive experience handling a wide range of personal injury and property damage claims. Including those that involve body shop negligence, fraudulent misconduct, and more.

Body shops can be slippery defendants and may have aggressive counsel provided by their insurer. We find that the breadth and depth of our personal injury litigation experience give us a competitive advantage. We are not only familiar with a diverse array of defense strategies and how to overcome them. But we accustom to the challenges of trial litigation. Opposing counsel must therefore be careful to treat your case with seriousness. It deserves in case they find themselves embattled in court.

Questions? We encourage you to call us at 818-788-0808 or send us a message. Through our online form to schedule a free and confidential consultation with a skilled Los Angeles personal injury lawyer at our firm.

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